Monday, March 23, 2009

Canada's Superstore

Yesterday, my husband and I ventured out in the snow (yes - Calgary got a huge snow fall on the weekend after several days of actually nice weather) and slush to The Real Canadian Superstore. I gotta say...I love that store. Especially the newer or renovated stores.

There is so much there and I love the stuff for the home, their clothing line and all the "fun stuff" (i.e. not the grocery shopping part - that's never my favorite).
As we were walking around I was reminded what a great store it is for wedding shopping as well.

Sometimes they have great deals on things in that back home section - vases, candles, other decor items.
Their website isn't very helpful, so no photos to share unfortunately. Just keep it in mind when you are looking for miscellaneous wedding or party supplies and decor.

That's all.
Just had to share!

1 comment:

melissa said...

i agree! they have some really nice vases and candles that brides can use for an affordable, yet stylish wedding.